Coaching in the workplace develops the skills needed for
leaders and managers to grow their people to enable
them to achieve their full potential.

What are the benefits of coaching?

80 percent circle

Statistical research undertaken by the International Coaching Federation reports that 80% of people who receive coaching stated increased self-confidence.

70 percent circle

Over 70% benefited from improved work performance, relationships, and more effective communication skills.

86 percent

86% of companies reported that they recouped their investment on coaching and more.

Specific individual benefits
of coaching include;

take more responsibility

Take more responsibility,
ownership and accountability
towards achieving goals

gain more job satisfaction

Gain more job and life

contribute more effectively

Contribute more effectively and
productively with the team and
the business

develops creativity

Develops creativity
and innovation

communicate more effectively

Communicate more

Here at Motiv8 Development we offer one to one coaching and mentoring in the workplace to support the development of individual’s transitioning to new roles, developing their career strategy, building new skills or problem solving. We also offer coaching and mentoring skills training in the workplace to support the development of coaching skills in leaders and managers, whilst living your company values and behaviours. Contact us for an informal chat to see how we can support you.